This morning I spent a couple of hours in the town centre with the large crowds of visitors. The queue for the castle was as long as ever so I gave an impromptu history talk to the back of the queue to take their minds off the wait. Then we let some kids ring the town crier’s bell and see who could all out the loudest ‘Oyez’.
Then popped round to the Corn Exchange and shamelessly dragged a family upstairs for a quick tour of the Guildhall, after which it was back to the Victoria Statue for a cry or two reminding people that Her Majesty has allowed visitors into Frogmore this weekend.
Then it was back into the car and off to Gardener’s Hall for the opening of the Windsor Allotments and Home Gardens Association Summer Show and Fete.
I was so engrossed in a display of paintings by local artists that I completely missed the Mayors Car arriving and ended up having to run round the building at full tilt to get to my designated spot and announce his arrival. Oops!